Update of the Unit of Measurement and Update (Unidad de Medida y Actualización) and Concentration Amounts

 Professional related: Carlos Orcí , Francisco Fuentes Ostos   |      January 11th, 2022

Yesterday, January 10, 2022, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (the “INEGI”) published in the Federal Official Gazette an update of the Mexican Unit of Measurement and Update (“UMA”): 

  • Daily Value: MXN$96.22 (approximately US$4.81[1]).
  • Monthly Value: MXN$2,925.09 (approximately US $146.25).
  • Annual Value: MXN$35,101.08 (approximately US $1,755.05).

These values will be effective as of February 1, 2021.

As of such date the concentration filing fee will be of MXN$210,818 (approximately US$10,540).

Additionally, please take into consideration that with this update, the amounts of the thresholds established in article 86 of the Federal Economic Competition Law have been modified to the following amounts:

  • Section I: When the originating act or sequence of acts, notwithstanding the place of performance, are worth within Mexican territory, directly or indirectly, an amount in excess to the equivalent of MXN$1,731,960,000 (approximately US$86,598,000);
  • Section II: When the originating act or sequence of acts, imply the accumulation of thirty-five percent or more of the assets or stock of an Economic Agent, whose annual sales originating in Mexican territory or assets in the country, are worth an amount in excess of the equivalent of MXN$1,731,960,000 (approximately US$86,598,000), or
  • Section III: When the originating act or sequence of acts, imply an accumulation within Mexican territory of assets or capital stock in excess of the equivalent to MXN$808,248,000 (approximately US$40,412,400), and two or more of the Economic Agents participating in the concentration have annual sales originating in Mexican territory or assets in Mexican territory which are worth, jointly or separately, an amount in excess of MXN$4,618,560,000 (approximately US$230,928,000).

As a result of the increase of the UMA the fines fixed in this measure that can be imposed by the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) had an increase of 7.36%.

Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

[1]    All amounts expressed in U.S. dollars were calculated using the following exchange rate: MXN$20.00 = U.S. $1.00. 



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