Modification to the guidelines for granting clean energy certificates

 Professional related: Horacio M. de Uriarte   |      October 26th, 2019

On October 28, 2019, the Ministry of Energy ("SENER") published in the Federal Official Gazette a resolution modifying the guidelines that establish the requirements for the granting of Clean Energy Certificates.

 “Acuerdo por el que se modifican los Lineamientos que establecen los criterios para el otorgamiento de Certificados de Energías Limpias y los requisitos para su adquisición, publicados el 31 de octubre de 2014” (the “Acuerdo”) which enters into force today, October 29, 2019. Prior to the entry into force of the Acuerdo, the Legacy Power Plants (Centrales Eléctricas Legadas) were entitled to receive Clean Energy Certificates ("CELs"), only for the "new" Clean Energy produced from increases in generation capacity, carried out through projects developed after the entry into force of the Electric Industry Law ("LIE"). Legacy Power Plants are power plants that, at the entry into force of the LIE, were not included in a permit to generate electricity under the modality of self-supply, cogeneration, small scale generation, independent production or continuous own uses and that are owned by the Federal Electricity Commission or its subsidiaries ("CFE") or whose construction and delivery were included in the Federal Expense Budget prior to August 11, 2014, in the modality of direct investment.

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